The value of therapy

Some people may have such a troubled relationship with their sexuality that they drift towards a divorce or not dare or want to go into a relationship.

Sexual problems are frequently the cause of a relationship that is not working or fading away. It is very important to talk confidentially with a professional, either together or separately.

Often, very concrete yet simple advice can give a rather positive twist towards sexual issues and provide better mastery over the situations. sometimes, it may need more thorough conversations to uncover, unlearn and relearn new sexual attitudes and behavior.
To achieve the best possible relationship with your own sexuality, it is an unconditional advantage to know your own (Sexual) arousal pattern and love pattern. Through conversations and your own observations, we want to make you aware of this pattern and use it to your and your partner’s best interest.
Sexuality is also about communication, feelings, attitudes, arousal, excitement, ability to give and receive caress, intimacy, physical and mental concentration on your own and your partner’s pleasure, release and relaxation. To get the best sexuality, all these factors often work in a complex interplay between partners.
If one of the factors is missing or is performed incorrectly in relation to your own or your partner’s firing pattern, the lust will be absent. Then it is important to find out what the trigger is and try to bridge the gap between partners.

For us, talking about sexuality is as natural as talking about the weather, recipes, and new credit facilities. Our hope is that we not only can jointly solve a problem, but also you get an equally developed language when communicating about sexuality with your partner about all areas of life.

We also find that men often need to talk confidentially about their sexuality. Not all men have someone they can discuss their sexuality with.
If it turns out that the problems reside outside our area of expertise, we help you by referring you to another professional who is appropriately skilled.