Pain and discomfort

Pain and discomfort

  • Issues I work with Do you have vaginismus?
  • Have you vestibulitis?
  • Have you syntoms to vaginismus or vestibulitis
  • Have you entrometriose?
  • What makes this pain with you psychologically How do you feel to your partner and their shared sexuality How do you work to get rid of this condition.
  • Which metoderog techniques that can help you

Vaginismus (vaginal spasm)

Vaginismus is involuntary together trainings of muscles around the vagina that occurs when something is going inserted. The reason may be negative muscle memory. muscles involved are called pelvic floor muscles. They are located around the vagina, just inside opening. Surveys have shown that approximately five percent of women develop vaginismus. Women with vaginismus have developed a reflex that often and without reason locks vagina by the pursed together. Then intercourse difficult if not impossible. There are nerves that control bekkenbunnsmuklene. Vaginismus can make every attempt penetration impossible. For some it is impossible to get a finger, a penis or a tampon. others have limited opening so that gynecological examinations are challenging. The condition is called partial vaginismus and can be cured by expert guidance and their own efforts. Some women with vaginismus have never had sexual intercourse, while others have vaginismus As a result of much sexuell game without ignition. Or after the painful pregnancies and births. Many with vaginismus must establish contact with the pelvic floor muscles. This can be achieved through relaxation exercises and stretching. The individual must work to change the view of sex. A common association for women with vaginismus is that sex hurts. One important part of treatment is therefore also to learn that sex can be enjoyment and pleasure also for her.

vulodyni (vestibulitis)

Vulvodynia (vestibulitis) gives a stinging and burning pain around the vaginal opening and just inside. The pain can be triggered by touch or attempted introduction of the penis, a tampon, own or their partner’s fingers or instruments to a gynecologist. We estimate that approximately 16 percent of Norwegian women develop vestibulitis. The disease particularly affects women; wash the genital area often, or think they have frequent urinary tract infections or fungus, use the Pill, imposes very high standards for themselves and have difficulty saying no, or a combination of these factors. I have chosen to include an excerpt from a client describing what it’s like to live with partial vaginismus I (female, 27 years) have been greatly troubled by this for a year now, and pain and burning has been virtually chronic. This has meant that I have developed partial vaginismus. The pain started after prolonged stress and both studies and private. The first few months with much pain I felt like a shuttlecock in health care their system where I witnessed both gynecologists and GPs mine had little thing on this. I was in up to several gynecologists and every time I was told that there were mushrooms and was sent me home with a prescription in hand. For every doctor’s appointment I felt only more desperate and uncertain. Fortunately, I found a number of people who have a good grasp of this. Vestibulitis and vaginismus is a very private problem and is associated much shame to this because in the worst case, this implies that one is not able to be sexually active. This do something about both body and head, and many experience depression and despair. A greater transparency, better information sharing and, not least, knowledge sharing, I think will be very important to help girls around who are struggling with Vaginismus and vestibulitis. . Knowing that it is not only you who are struggling with this can be comforting in itself

Pelvic Inflammation  

What is pelvic inflammatory disease? Pelvic inflammatory disease is a condition you can read about under different names – depending on how you read. The English term is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a term which is sometimes used in Norwegian. If the inflammation is worse in one of the structures in the woman’s pelvis, the condition gladly name after this. If the inflammation is sitting in the uterus, it is called endometritis, and if it sits in the fallopian tubes is called PID or salpingitis. Hence, we have chosen to call the disease of pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by an infection of the inner genitals in women. An infection caused by a microorganism, in this case bacteria. The infection causes an inflammation that produces pain, swelling and leads to the formation of scar tissue. The organs that can be affected are the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. The bacterium that provide pelvic infection transmitted almost always by sex. The infection starts in the vagina and spreads upward in the genitals which communicate with each other. Fallopian tubes – also called “tubes” – the passage eggs user when they move from the ovaries to the uterus. Scar tissue in the fallopian tubes can block movement of the egg, and thus it becomes difficult to conceive. Since space is limited tubal eggs may also be stuck here. If that happens then fertilization of the egg, begins fetus to grow in egg leader. This is called ectopic pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy, a so-called XU. The bacteria usually gives pelvic infection chlamydia. Gonorrhea and other infections can also be the cause. All sexually active women can get pelvic inflammatory disease. The probability is greatest when they are under 25 years. The following factors increase the risk of pelvic infection: Earlier sexually transmitted disease More than one sexual partner Insertion of spiral


It is not always easy to determine if you have pelvic inflammatory disease. The symptoms are often mild, but if you notice the following symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor: Pain in the lower abdomen Pain during intercourse Bleeding during or after intercourse abnormal discharge Some women also get chills or pain in the lower back, nausea or frequent and painful urination. Another possible symptom is increased pain during menstruation or around ovulation. Menstruation may disappear altogether. Check yourself if you have a fever. The doctor performs a pelvic examination. Your doctor may also take a blood sample and a sample from the cervix. The aim is to establish whether there is an infection. Oh wait line therapy for all answers exist, however, be wrong. Then fertility already be affected. In typical signs and symptoms, the doctor will probably give you treatment right away.


Antibiotics, ie medicines that attack bacteria, works well by pelvic inflammatory disease. You probably will not need any other treatment. That said, you can still problems associated with pregnancy and fertility if the fallopian tubes have been damaged before receiving treatment. If the condition is severe, it may be necessary hospitalization. This may also be necessary if the diagnosis is uncertain, if you are pregnant or if you have trouble taking your medicines. The drug most commonly used in Norway, is doxycycline in combination with metronidazole. Other drugs may also be appropriate, particularly for pregnant women. Pregnant with pelvic infection hospitalized. In severe infection can it be required intravenous antibiotic treatment at hospitals. It is necessary that you take the drug for the entire 14 days – although the symptoms often disappear before this. If you do not complete antibiotic treatment, the infection may come back. It is also very important that sexual partners be checked for STDs. This applies even if it or they have not had any symptoms. They may have chlamydia or gonorrhea nonetheless. It is important that partners treated because they can transmit the infection to other and back to you. Do not have sex until you and your partner have completed the treatment.

Self Help

The best thing you can do to protect against pelvic inflammatory disease is to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. You can reduce the risk by following measures: using a condom Have few sexual partners Regular tests for chlamydia. It is wise to test you when you get a new partner. Some also urges the new partner to be tested.

Other treatments

About 1 in 5 women have difficulty getting pregnant after pelvic infection. This is explained by the damaged fallopian tubes. 1 of 3 women experience pain because of scar tissue in the abdomen by inflammation. If you experience complications such as an abscess, ie an accumulation of pus, be operated. An operation where one goes into the belly with so-called keyhole surgery called laparoscopy. This will create only a small hole in the stomach, so that one is going to scar tissue and abscesses.


Most women cured by antibiotics. Approximately 1 in 4 women to be hospitalized. If you use spiral, it may be necessary to remove this. Unfortunately I can not processing rectify damage that has already occurred in the fallopian tubes. Research shows that around 1 in 3 who receive pelvic infection, get it again. For each infection increases the risk of damage to the reproductive organs. Chlamydia is a major cause of infertility, so it is important to avoid infections.


Endometriose er en tilstand der livmorslimhinnen eller vev av samme type begynner å vokse utenfor livmoren, som for eksempel i bukhulen. Dette kan være smertefullt og tilstanden kan gjøre det vanskelig å bli gravid. Det finnes behandling for endometriose.

Overflaten som kler innsiden av livmoren kalles endometriet. Hver måned vokser dette laget seg tykt som resultat av østrogenpåvirkning under menstruasjonssyklusen. Endometriose er en medisinsk tilstand der slimhinna som kler innsiden av livmoren eller vev av samme type, begynner å vokse utenfor livmoren, som for eksempel i bukhulen. Årsaken til endometriose er ukjent.

Sannsynligheten for å få endometriose øker fra puberteten og topper seg i 40- årsalderen. Etter dette synker risikoen igjen.

De vanligste stedene legene finner endometriose er rundt eggstokkene, egglederne, utsiden av livmoren og på veggen inne i bukhulen. Endometriose kan også oppstå på endetarmen og urinblæren.

Siden det dreier seg om samme vevstype, reagerer endometriose på hormonsvingninger på samme måte som endometriet i livmoren. Endometriose-vevet vokser seg med andre ord tykkere hver måned. Deretter avstøtes deler av vevet fra stedet det vokste og begynner å blø som når vevet i livmoren gir menstruasjon.

Blodet fra disse blødningene forsvinner ikke så lett, og før kroppen blir kvitt det kan det oppstå en betennelse som irriterer nærliggende vev og gir arr og væskefylte kuler kalt cyster.

En slik betennelse kan også skade egglederne eller eggstokkene. Eggstokkene er der kvinnens eggceller oppbevares, modnes og frigjøres ved eggløsning.

Eggstokkene er forbundet med egglederne som fungerer som kanaler som eggcellene beveger seg gjennom på vei til livmoren. Dersom det oppstår en betennelse på disse strukturene, kan de feste seg i hverandre og egglederne kan gå tett slik at eggcellene ikke kommer frem. Dette kan gi problemer med å bli gravid.


The most common symptoms of endometriosis are pain and difficulty becoming pregnant. Women with endometriosis get pain from pelvic cavity, ie the bottom of the stomach. The pain can range from a vague feeling of pain to severe pain. Some have pain all the time. Others get pain only at certain times. This can be during sex, when they have a bowel movement or during menstruation. Severe pain can be difficult to live with, and some may be afraid they’ve got cancer. Endometriosis is not cancer. Menstrual pain is in itself very plain. The pain comes a few days before menstruation and worsening since the bleeding becomes heavier. Towards the end of menstruation pain becomes easier again. Endometriosis can worsen menstrual cramps. Some may feel tired and unwell, or have trouble sleeping. Fertility problems are also common. Many women with this condition may have children in the normal way, but about 1 in 3 women with endometriosis need medical help to conceive. Some women do not detect that they have endometriosis until they try to have children and do not get it. Some women, however, endometriosis without experiencing symptoms at all.

Pain and discomfort after childbirth

Up to 80 percent of the strength of the pelvic floor muscles can disappear in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. Many also rupture or be cut during birth. In addition, many feel the low estrogen levels makes the vagina easily recognized drier and crispier than before pregnancy, so that intercourse can be experienced painful. Because of extra stretching of the pelvic floor muscles, there are some who get weaker or barely noticeable orgasms. There are also those who think the sensitivity has become less and that the internal organs are not in place, which can make intercourse uncomfortable or painful. Others go so up in parenting that they have difficulty in combining this with being boyfriend. There are also those who are so stressed by thinking about the child’s best that they do not have space to themselves and their own sexuality, which can also give physical ailments. It is then not possible to accommodate your partner’s desire for a sex life. The serious impact of pregnancy and childbirth represent makes it absolutely necessary to train your back muscles in the pelvic floor. Training the muscles necessary for a will prevent discomfort or pain during intercourse. Those who exercise will avoid getting incontinence later, as is customary. The risk of urinary incontinence increases with the number of births. There are also those who need help to get started with your sex life after baby is born. At the clinic we use Sexological methods very often yield successful results.

Pelvic pain

Pelvic is a very common complaint for pregnant women. For someone sitting plagues of after birth and can provide great and for some almost disabling pain, which very often makes it impossible for a sex life. For some items pelvic solution several years, while for others it may be over for weeks. Pelvic is hormonally dependent and happens because ligaments expands to prepare for birth. What kind of training that can help depends on where the pain is sitting, and must be specially adapted to each woman. Consult a physiotherapist with special expertise in PGP. For some it may help to train the core muscles, which also include the pelvic floor muscles. Best benefits of the exercise, women who start gentle exercises and gradually increase control and the interaction between the musculature of the pelvic floor and back.

Pain during intercourse

Research shows that more and more women report pain during intercourse. Many chronic pain is keeping him from having sexual activity others find that pain emerges of sexual activity and hold back to avoid pain. There can be various causes of pain. Physical trauma blow to the tail bone, can cause muscle tightness in the pelvic muscles that contribute to vaginismus and deep muscle pain during intercourse. Many also pain on the inside of the vaginal opening. At the rear of the vaginal entrance there hudleppe moving in and out during intercourse is not sufficient lubricating, this hudleppen easy cuts or be tender and irritated. Sex should provide pleasures, enjoyment and positive expectations. Unfortunately connects many women sex with pain. This leads to negative associations with sex, and very little light on what evokes pain – intercourse. In a sexological treatment included uncovering the causes and types of pain it is. In a disclosure period and the introduction of new procedures that do not cause pain, it is common with sex ban and parallel detection of both their firing pattern. The pain may be particularly noticeable at the beginning of intercourse, they can be there all the time, or after sex. The pain may be localized to different locations in the vagina, which outermost at the opening, further into where the pelvic floor muscles is or deep in the vagina by shock pains. A common cause of pain during sex is that the woman has sex without ignition. This provides easy a negative spiral, Connects she intercourse with pain, she does not lit, thereby not wet. Many are then more gall than pleasures. Missing ignition also makes the vagina does not follow the usual response cycle by being filled with blood, cervix nor up and vaginal wall not straighten out. Thus, the vagina very often too short for intercourse and she is experiencing shock pain often as an addition to friction pain. Many are becoming more conscious of their own ignition and turns easier in that they use the pelvic floor muscles to pump blood to the sex. Then the female sex erect. Vagina straightens out, becomes longer and more sensitive, and it gets wetter due to increased blood flow. Training of pelvic floor muscles also means that she consciously learns to relax the muscles, so she can avoid pain when the penis is inserted into the vagina.