Couple Therapy

Some possible benefits

Counseling helps couples get ahead in a demanding or entrenched crisis .You can improve communication in the relationship between you .You can better understand and strengthen each other’s individual needs and values You may experience a vitality and new “spark” in relationship. You become better acquainted with each other and help prevent and prepare to cope with demanding periods arising.

Do you want to break the relationship because it is too tough?

Do you experience a crisis in the relationship that can be solved by opening up to the issues that have created the crisis?

You want to be greeted as a unique human being by your partner .You can take up sexual issues that are difficult to record.

Do you want to work with the relationship after you recover from ill health?

Did you feel that you lost the relationship after a difficult time?

Good communication in family life is the dream of many. A good family life and the safe good conversation often provide a wonderful contribution to life and love. How to get it? What happens when the crush has surrendered?

How to get to love both “Gold & granite”?

Our clients report that therapy gave them a better life together. For some, therapy was important because they knew what they wanted and needed help to sort their thoughts, events and feelings. Others tell us that therapy was their investment for their improved future relationship. They got better with both themselves and each other.

We offer treatment based on experience and research on effective therapy. There may be many reasons why you would like to talk with a neutral third party like me. You may be experiencing a crisis in the relationship, and it is crucial to get rapid clarification free from judgement and pre-occupation and that you need a neutral third party as soon as possible. There may also be direct problems with communication, that you have grown apart, that one or both parties have negative feelings for the other, or that you have a desire to improve the relationship with the children / family. Another reason may be that you want to work on prevention. Prepare before cohabitation / marriage before having children, or in connection with a difficult situation that has arisen.

 Are you coming as a couple or individual?

Our approach is to work with you both as a couple and as individuals. We recommend that both parties have an individual start-up call before you meet jointly in counselling. The purpose of such conversation is to sort out thoughts, work with objectives and to assess whether further counselling is something you as an individual is motivated to move forward with.

There is an assumption that both of you are willing to prioritize the challenges you have and that you are willing to take individual responsibility for improving cohabitation. Although it can be seen that it is one party that has the “problem”, there are always two sides to a relationship.

It is therefore essential that both of you are willing to work on yourselves in the relationship. It is also important that you accept and experience me as a natural third party and feel confident that I do not favor or build an alliance with either of you.