Urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence

Issues I work with ?

  • Rehabilitation of the pelvis
  • What methods and techniques help?


  • Common causes that may require treatment.    
  • Incontinence, stress
  • Represents approximately 50% of all women with incontinence
  • The condition caused by insufficient closing function of the urethra, either as a result of the weakened sphincter or weakened support the bladder base, particularly around the urethra Birthdays disposes; estrogen deficiency after menopause can weaken the pelvic floor, sunken uterus can occur simultaneously with stress incontinence

The state provides leak when coughing, sneezing or doing other activities that increase the pressure in the stomach resulting in small amounts of urine leaking

  • Incontinence
  • Incontinence = loss of bladder control, is a common problem that you may feel embarrassed.
  • We divide incontinence in 3 degrees: Easy – drips 1-2 times a month Moderate – daily drips Seriously – larger leakage amounts at least once a week


Incontinence is a very common problem. Reported complaints of urinary incontinence in 30% of all adult women. Also foreign studies show that this is a common condition. It most frequently occurs around menopause. Stress incontinence constitutes 50% of all incontinence. 35-50% have a mixture of stress incontinence and urge incontinence It is a sudden and strong urge to urinate, which often leads to greater urine leaks. In the elderly it seems maybe a mixture of stress and urge incontinence. Data from Nord-Trøndelag Survey (HUNT) showed that among women who had borne children, 5% had stress leakage. Among kvinnner just gave birth by Caesarean section, had 7% stress leakage. And among women who had given birth vaginally, the incidence of 15%. Incontinence urge accounts for 10-15% of all women with incontinence. The reason is often unclear, but occurs in acute urinary tract infections and in some as part of a neurological disease The state provides a sudden and strong urge to urinate often leading to leakage. The woman can typically not interrupt the flow of urine and the timber a greater amount of urine. In some cases the state itself is a frequent and strong urge to urinate, without leakage (urgesyndrom)

What is urge incontinence?

In some cases the state itself as a frequent and strong urge to urinate, without any leakage. This is so called urge syndrome. The condition of overactive bladder overlaps with urge incontinence and is characterized by strong urges, with or without concontinence urinary incontinence, usually with urinary frequency (often 8-10 times a day) and nocturia In Norway indicates roughly 5-15% of all women that they have urine leakage. Foreign studies show that this is a common condition in other countries. People with urge incontinence accounts for 10-15% of patients with incontinence problems. 35-50% have a mixture of urge and stress incontinence.

Stress incontinence

Which also is the most frequent condition, characterized by small urine leaks, such as coughing, sneezing and the like. Incontinence, mix Constitute 35-50% of all cases, is most common in elderly Combination of stress and urge types Incontinence, overflow Leakage at full bladder It “overflows” drips steadily Diagnosis is confirmed by catheterization It varies with degree of ailments In a Norwegian study reported 30% of women about bladder weakness Foreign studies show from 10-60%