Individual issues

Individual issues

Individual problem style liger I work with related to sexuality

  • Anxiety and uncertainty about sexuality your
  • Have discomfort by taking on his body Want to get a good relationship with his own body and self-image.
  • Anxiety about relationships Fear of closeness
  • Anxiety for not perform sexually
  • Problems related to sin and shame
  • Hypersexuality (When sex becomes an obsession).
  • Is it true that sex takes over the usual chores and you have hard facts, for instance to complete a normal working day without thinking about sexuality.
  • Is it out of your work or your relationships.
  • Are you A sexual and meets the challenges associated with this and need someone to discuss this with. Want periods in life to be celibate and need techniques to overdue sexuality with.
  • Looking at women as objects and need help to reorganize yourself emotionally. Looking to work with your følesesrigister.
  • Have an exaggerated use of porn


Norwegian men see most porn in Europe and excessive porn use can sometimes go beyond the advantage. It can create an expectation of sexuality which does not bottom out in the real world.

Anxiety for not perform

Anxiety is the main psychological reasons why a person acts sexually. The anxiety hinder or blocking of sexual feelings. Most often it depends on something at the sexual situation is threatening and intimidating. PERFORMANCE ANXIETY Perhaps the most common and easiest anxiety cause of sexual problems and marital problems are performance anxiety, fear of not getting it. An element of performance anxiety is that in every sexual problem situations regardless of their background and causes. It does not take many episodes of “unsuccessful” sex before performance anxiety arises, especially if one is vulnerable, sensitive and touchy. A couple-three cases of difficulty getting the proper erection, may be enough to develop a stubborn anxiety. The process behind such reactions are simple. After a few failures, fears of recurrence, for that one again be “dumb” out, revealing their helplessness and shortcomings. But when a sexual situation arises, you get anxiety. Man “dare” not to give up the erotic and sexual feelings. Man “holds” again. Instead of giving in, giving themselves over to their erotic feelings, you become an observer to own achievements. Instead of enjoying, one is geared to providing, be clever. The more one thinks, observes and is determined to be clever, the more difficult the situation becomes. It comes in a vicious circle, where one “turn” down in misery. The anxiety arises not only when you are in a concrete sexual situation. It can also be triggered by fantasies and erotic feelings.

Fear is like a “switch”, it disables the sexual tensions and feelings instead to turn them on. When a sexual situation arises, whether it is a question of specific conditions or fantasies, comes anxiety. The person can be distracted out of the situation because it is threatening and dangerous. Anorgastiske women “are filled with such ‘diversion maneuvers.” They are often aroused sexually stimuli. But when they have reached a certain level of tension, it’s like a switch turning off their feelings. They feel it best when your mind starts to wander, they can not concentrate on the erotic situation, because it is too threatening and dangerous. In instead to “cost of” let the mind sail away to other areas, “the job, the kids like Thus drops Iight and lust and fear becomes less bothersome and agonizing. DANGEROUS PROXIMITY Some forms of sexual anxiety may be related to upbringing. If you like children “become frightened, or has been instilled with the reprehensible, shameful and guilt-inducing by sex, it does not take much before you as an adult may find it difficult to express themselves sexually in a natural and relaxed way. Painful and frightening feelings follow along for the ride into the adult world. Other times we see that anxiety is associated with deeper relationship. As may be fear of physical proximity. We all have a certain anxiety that others come too close to one. Depress me not too close, it says. But in some “this anxiety so pronounced that sexual contact is impossible. You experience this near as dangerous one is afraid to fail or disintegrate. Sexuality is experienced as a kind of threatening invasion, where fear “that one’s integrity may perish. Still other times it can be anxiety for success It sounds strange. Is not success something everyone wants? Yes, undoubtedly, but quite a few think they do not deserve it. They are not good, kind or worthy to feel good. They can not stand success, sometimes because it is too good to be true, other times because they have a great punishment needs. They do not feel well without penalizing itself. Anxiety for submission may be another important factor behind sexual problems. Man is afraid of being bound by a particular person, tied too closely to the person concerned and thus become dependent. In dependency is built in an anxiety for submission.

UNDER THE SURFACE The anxiety is often not aware of the person. They do not experience sexual difficulties as expressions of anxiety. It is about unconscious processes. The deeper fear sitting, the deeper roots it has in the person’s development history, the less we understand the person of their own reaction. ” There is nothing he or she would rather than to work well sexually, while it is thus not going well. Why do I have it so, ask the person. What is wrong since we do not work together? There is no simple matter to give a clear answer. Conditions vary from person to person. What is needed is a thorough scrutiny of one’s life situation. The most easily achieved by a contact with a professional, such as a Sexologist. It can help to give the person a greater degree of self-knowledge and understanding of their own reactions and experiences.

Anxiety can be difficult to treat. Often one has to resort to a combination of medication and psychological treatment (calls). It can take a considerable delay before reaching down in the depths of personality development where one can find the roots of plagues and anxiety. Often there is also talk of a combination of ailments, where depressive feelings are present, often mixed with anger, resentment, aggression and despair. Aggression dare not accept. Man “repent” them into anxiety because it is easier to live with. SOME DEFINITIONS Anxiety is a subjective condition, characterized by the person feel uneasy, tension and discomfort condition. Sometimes the fear of attacks, other times it is present in chronic form. Some might say that anxiety is associated with specific objects or situations, others that it is free floating. As far as we know today is the anxiety expressed a special condition in the central nervous system. What triggers this condition varies from person to person. Some have a low anxiety threshold. It takes very little to trigger anxiety reactions. Other withstand considerably of stresses and strains before they are experiencing anxiety. What these differences depend on we know little about. The most common sexual problems we operate with impotence and premature ejaculation in men as well as difficulty obtaining ejaculation in women. In recent years it has been found that Iystproblemer occurs quite often in both sexes. With Iystproblemer we understand that the person is not able to react with erotic feelings on certain stimuli, whether spoken about specific sensations or sexual fantasies. They can not stimulate sexual excitement and arousal. With impotence, we understand that a man is not able to get an erection that is good enough that he can carry out a sexual intercourse. Premature ejaculation means the man is not able to exercise management and control over sæduttømningsrefleksene. He is unable to “hold” again. The anorgastiske woman carries an involuntary inhibition of their orgasm reaction.

Anxiety about relationships

While growing up, children have many needs that are critical to mental and emotional development towards adulthood. Mental Health Among other things, the ability to enter into meaningful and intimate relationships with other people. It’s about daring to relate in an open and emotional way to their loved ones, but this is a trait which unfortunately have difficulty. Some people lack experience with intimate and close relationships due to trauma or adverse conditions during childhood and adolescence. This can create deep wounds which manifests itself also in adulthood. We develop as human beings in relation to other people. The child reads about herself in the face of her caregiver, and it learns to recognize itself in relation to others. Malicious or flawed relationships in childhood may in some ways be a benchmark for the child’s self-understanding, self-esteem and interpersonal skills later in life. Thus there are several theorists who claim that one of the child’s most basic needs is a safe and well connected to other people. Missing you this, you risk developing a kind of underlying patterns of life that governs the way we think, feel and act, and at worst it ensures that we are able to create the interpersonal relationships we need to live a good life. To develop a good connection to the other, we need love, respect, attention, empathy, affection, understanding and guidance. This we need from both family and friends. In a way, there are two types of relationships. We have intimate relations that happily revolves around immediate family or a very special and intimate friend. This is also called the inner circle, and here you do not need so many, but feel something few people who are a really close. Then, man has need for social connections, also called the outermost circle, and here it is not the same need for intimacy. The social circle covers rather the human need for belonging. Some have very close links with their loved ones, but are socially isolated. Others may have a rich social life, but no one confidant, and these often have a tendency to feel “lonely among people”.

Body image

Body image will influence our attitudes, feelings, thoughts and how we look at our bodies. 8 out of 10 women in America struggle with body shame. Much of it comes from our community’s faith. The truth is that with proper adjustment in mental and emotional reframing, you can let go everything shame associated with body and sexual go, wherever it comes from. The result is a sense of confidence and self-appreciation that strengthens your ability to connect with others.


Hypersexuality, abnormally strong sexual desires and needs. In women referred to the condition as nymphomania, in men satyriasis. Experts have long been in doubt and disagree on sexavhengighet or hypersexuality as it is also called, is actually a diagnosis. In Norway sexavhengighet never been an official psychiatric diagnosis. The terms sexavhengighet and hypersexuality are used on people who have a sexual urge is so strong that it is difficult to control. For some sexavhengighet directly linked to sexual activities like pornography, many partners, anonymous sex, prostitution etc, while for others it can be about more unhealthy patterns of attention and confirmation. They often have an unstable personality structure and a poor self-image. They need maximum verification and uses sex to it. For hyper sexual addiction can be so big that it goes beyond relationships, family, work and finances. Just like other dependencies and abuse.

Problems associated with shame

We are ashamed of our experience and our firing pattern. We wish it to be different. In the therapy room, we work to take away the shame.

Uncertainty and anxiety about sexuality

There are many who do not have anyone to talk about sexuality with. We have the fear of not being good enough or fear that we will be rejected or live up to the expectations that we think exists. You are sure to let loose and have come into a bad pattern you do not come out of.

Discomfort by taking on his own body or someoneelse

Some of us feel uncomfortable by taking other people. There may be specific areas of the body but it can also be being close to other people, all kinds of emotions may come up. Can you think of a consultation, we work with where you are.

Celibacy Sexual abstinence.

Have you chosen not to be sexually active. Want to talk to someone about this decision or need advice to guidance to be sexually active again.

A sexuality

Asexuality in its broader meaning, is the lack of sexual attraction and, in some cases, lack of interest in sex. A frequently cited study placed the incidence of asexuality at 1% of the population.